#bfdi au
novaazurite · 2 days
// BFDIA 15 spoilers
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A screenshot redraw with ALG Pin and Book! Its funny they have to work together in BFDIA for this episode (Alongside with Nickel), in ALG, Book absolutely hates Pin due to something about her that Book eventually will find out when her team go to Yoyle City. Its funny to imagine these two will have to work together despite their bitter relationship. (Ik in BFDIA Pin hates Book bc of the swing situation from 5a, and shes a FreeSmarter.)
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Might I add from this scene that I somehow cant believe this mere coincidence of what the Scarlet Dragon is in ALG. The Dragon of Greater Goiky spits acid? Thats what the Scarlet Dragon is said to do, and Pin is an acid breather (shown several posts ago), the common ancestor of dragons and fish monsters? I think you can connect the pieces of it for ALG! And even the formation of the horns on the thing is a lot similar to ALG Pin's. Im calling it. The Scarlet Dragon is officially the ALG version of The Greater Dragon of Goiky. A small detail one would look over but this scene made me flip the fuck out in a good way.
I kind of struggled to watch all of it bc im currently out of state and where im currently staying at the data reception is god awful, but I managed to watch all of BFDIA 15 so we win!!!!!!
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namelessclient · 4 months
Welp, I think it's time to talk about my BFDI AU... Dusk BFDI!
What is Dusk BFDI (just Dusk for short)? well, it's an apocalyptic/infection-like au but with a curse and heavily inspired in magic n' fantasy stuff, ya know, things I like.
So yeah, the AU still is in WIP, so with time I can change, add or remove stuff, it'll depend on what's on my mind, but at the moment I still have a lot to tell
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This is just a little glimpse of all what I have in mind, I already have done some stuff before but I'm changing some things lol
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talkingteardrop · 8 months
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clarissasbakery · 8 months
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so on my instagram i started discussing how i think lollipop would make a really good villain akin to alejandro from total drama world tour, using flattery and flirtation to get ahead, and it snowballed into this…. i’d love to hear thoughts and opinions abt it
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et-2112 · 1 year
Hi guys
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potatobugz · 16 days
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*t-shirt that says "ask me about my bfdi high fantasy au*
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circusclowne · 7 months
This is a free request btw not a commission since I am poor
You have to draw pie teaching an anger management class
I feel like Fanny, Snowball, Donut, Flower, Fries, Robot Flower, Golf Ball and Four would take anger management with Pie
(I HC that before BFB, Donut used to take these classes as a way to control the temper he had in BFDIA so that explains why he is chill and relaxed in bfb/tpot as opposed to BFDIA)
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woaoaur i love this hc! this was very fun to draw i loved envisioning this lol
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plus some doodles cuz i couldn’t fit all of the students in the first one
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drankyyy · 10 days
If the characters from BFDI were in the universe of warrior cats, then I would make Black hole a medicine cat of the shadow clan.
And Pillow, being a warrior of the same shadow clan, would be very interested in medicine , but Blackhole would not want to take her as an apprentice because she is too suspicious.
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Redesign Pillow.
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emmkitt · 8 months
(Inanimate Insanity + HFJONE + BFDI)
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shoutout to @somebean81 for helping me figure out some of the details of this. GET READY FOR A LOTTA WORDS
—>”i” is an Algebralien. Within this universe, Algebraliens excell not only in arithmetic, but understanding of the concept of death. The Radio— which exists in The Waiting Room after an object becomes deceased— is monitored and controlled by the Algebraliens, and the sequence of numbers input within the machine determine the universe the object will be transported to.
—>’i’ became enamoured with this technology, but frustrated with the fact they were excluded, as they were not a number themself.
—>’i’ began to experiment with The Radio, managing to hack the systems and create a new input, that being “i”, which would instantly teleport an object to him. Being as the input was figuratively and literally “imaginary,” the only being capable of producing the input was ‘i.’ An object would input a numeric value into The Radio and ‘i’ would hack it before the antennae could be raised.
—>Almost immediately, when strange objects began running about, the other Algebraliens discovered ‘i’s shenanigans.
—>One of the biggest offenses was to tamper with The Radio systems, which led to ‘i’s immediate exile to Earth.
—>As ‘i’ could not appear as an Algebralien on earth, he was forced into an object disguise, that being a character he deemed ‘Steve Cobs.’
—>The Algebraliens had yet to understand simply how Cobs had managed to hack The Radio, and until then, Cobs was able to continue hacking the system. He would only teleport a single object on occassion, as a means of ensuring the Algebraliens would not catch on.
—>A new type of object Soul Cobs had not yet known about was discovered immediately, called a Wandering Soul. Wandering Souls are deceased objects which have existed in The Waiting Room for centuries, leading to the object no longer retaining any idea of their former identity. These souls appear as amorphous blobs and tend to be quite disoriented.
—>Cobs initially felt pity for these souls, and in his first experiment he created a robotic phone-shaped body for one of the souls. The first experiments, however, proved unsuccessful, and the souls were completely destroyed in the process of attempting to ‘revive’ them.
—>After three failed experiments, however, Cobs finally managed to perfect his creation. Mephone4 was the first Wandering Soul successfully revived.
—>Mephone4S, who was created shortly after Mephone4, was another success, however unlike 4, 4S retained the knowledge that he was once dead. 4 was programmed without this memory. When 4S sacrificed himself to save 4 (which ultimately destroyed his soul), Mephone4 received the memories about how he was technically not ‘alive.’ (Cue the existential crisis!), along with some of 4S’s memories.
—>As time went on, Cobs began to program his creations to be less and less human and more robotic in nature, completely stripping the once living objects of their humanity. He figured that would make it easier for him to inevitably send his Mephone creations to get revenge on the Algebraliens.
—>During his quest to find more Wandering Souls, Cobs accidentally teleported a regular soul to his laboratory, that being a copper lantern known as Airy.
—>Cobs debated between simply killing Airy to send him back to The Waiting Room, but the other convinced him to let him live, with the offer of his knowledge of The Waiting Room and The Radio.
—>With his apathetic personality, Airy became a great assistant to Cobs, and proved to be quite intelligent with the technology. Cobs soon programmed robotic enhancements for Airy, as a means of ensuring Airy would not be easy to kill.
—>With the newfound invention of Recovery Centers, the amount of Wandering Souls available was becoming scarce. Cobs, being dead set on his goal, begins to resort to living objects, figuring that any soul should work.
—>Obviously, theres a bit more moral and ethical conflict there, especially since these souls understand who they are, unlike the Wandering Souls, and Cobs was essentially forcing them into a new form and role.
—>The first victim to this was Fan, who was immediately discovered to be missing by Test Tube.
—>One of 4S’ memories which Mephone4 retained was that of Cobs’ plans to resort to living souls to create more Mephones. Initially brushing it aside as a silly dream, Mephone4 realizes this is serious, and that Fan had probably been kidnapped.
—>Next, Tissues and YinYang also disappeared.
—>As a Mephone, Fan (MeFan1) was programmed with the least humanity. He’s essentially a shell of the formerly enthusiastic and friendly object he used to be. Fan was Cobs’ first target, as he has almost unlimited knowledge of the II contestants, which was the only memories Cob’s allowed him to retain.
—>As a Mephone, Tissues (MephoneT) glitches a lot (condishawn) and is deemed a failed experiment by Cobs because of this.
—>As a Mephone, YinYang (MephoneY) was a bit of a tricky case for Cobs. Not realizing that they essentially shared two souls, Cobs wiped their memories and unknowingly only wiped Yin’s successfully. Yang retained their memories, and because of that they talk back to Cobs and refuse to aid in his plans. Yang eventually becomes distressed, as his brother is basically gone.
—>Mephone4 realizes something must be done about this before he can lose more of his contestants. Something involving The Waiting Room and The Radio. However, Mephone4 realized he could not die again, otherwise his soul would not be recoverable.
—>Eventually, an Algebralien is finally sent to earth to investigate after The Radio signals start going haywire. That Algebralien is Two, an Inter-Dimensional Manager, who disguises themself as a kiwi.
—>They meet Mephone4 and the II contestants, who are immediately suspicious of the newcomer. Two ends up disabling their disguise as a means of gaining trust. Mephone4 remains skeptical, but the contestants are desperate to get their friends back and agree to listen to the Algebralien.
—>The plan is simple; A contestant would die to enter The Waiting Room. They would use Two’s notes to defend the radio against Cob’s hacking, and then Mephone4 would recover them.
—>Test Tube was the one who volunteered for the job, as she desperately wanted Fan back.
—>Everything seemed to be going according to plan, however shortly after Test Tube entered The Waiting Room, the II cast were under attack by Cobs and his mephone army.
—>During the fight, Mephone4 ended up sacrificing himself to save Bot. MephoneY (YinYang), as they had some of their memories retained, managed to rebel against Cobs and also died protecting the living objects from the mephones.
—>By successfully disabling The Radio, the Wandering Souls Cobs had collected to create his mephones glitched out, and his army collapsed.
—>In the EPIC FINAL BATTLE!! Two was able to use their power to transport Cobs and Airy (I didnt forget him) to The Waiting Room permanently, with a radio that does not work.
-When a soul is transformed into a Mephone, living or wandering, the soul becomes no longer recoverable, meaning when they die they’re permadead.
-Test Tube is stuck in The Waiting Room now, sorry :(
-As they were not Wandering Souls when transformed into Mephones, Fan and Tissues did not ‘die’ when The Radio was disabled. However, they are not able to be reverted back to their old form.
-Airy received several robotic enhancements from Cobs.
-Two is one of the head Algebraliens, and is responsible for maintaining balance between universes and managing The Radio systems. This is part of the reason why they are rarely at the equation playground; they’re often bouncing between universes to deal with dimensional nonsense. They have a radio built into their ‘stomach,’ which allows them to quickly travel through space and time.
-Along with Inter-dimensional management and radio system management, Algebraliens all have an object disguise form, and occassionally visit The Waiting Room to help newly deceased objects grow accustomed to the place.
-Other characters not mentioned, such as MePad, other II contestants, etc. DO exist but dont really divert much from their canon lore so I didn’t feel the need to mention them here.
UHHH THATS A LOT. if u have questions about the au feel free to ask im soo normal about this idea you dont even know
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cloudzzz · 2 months
Hello hello! It is i, an anonymous asker >:)
Just wondering if i could possibly get some gFour or bTwo art out of you bc the askblog is currently on pause and i love your art :] /nf
Anyways have a great day/night!
your wish is my command anon
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[ From @green-blue-switcharoo ! ]
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caffeinatedshrimp · 1 month
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these are kinda old,,
fanart,dishjsndhrijendynsnn yes.
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novaazurite · 5 months
something i made for no reason
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She jump
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namelessclient · 3 months
More Dusk characters! Soon I'll post extra stuff
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Still I have to make others, currently doing one for Blocky and Grassy
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tarochimochi · 11 months
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I pumped some of BFB characters into Clangen and was just ITCHING to draw them
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clarissasbakery · 9 months
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love giving alternative fits to my babes
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tansypawz · 2 months
hey party people i have an au id like to share with you im not gonna make this au into an askblog like @bfdi3008 but its still smth id like tumblr to hear about ive just been calling it "the paper cutout au" and its basically two becoming an object [by choice] and slowly getting used to their new body and realizing that.yeah.this is what they want the object they transformed into is a green paper cutout of the number two, since in tpot 2 they mentioned they liked being a green number two, and that those were things they knew they liked being. heres a wb doodle i made of it like a day ago.i need to make a full canon design for paper cutout two but yea
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i might write fanfiction about it later
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